Visualization Is The Key

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Heartbreak Podcast - Visualization Is The Key

This won't be the first time Claire touches on the importance of visualization when it comes to manifesting an epic romantic relationship, but now you have a WHOLE EPISODE on the importance of visualization, and more specifics on what your practice could look like.

An inspired quote she shares several times throughout the episode is from David Cameron Gikandi's book, A Happy Pocket Full Of Money.

"When I willingly go where my most desired imaginings take me, I become a creative force that no limits."

Visualization really is the key ingredient in your manifestation recipe, that Claire herself admits, she sometimes puts off when working on creating future goals. It's also something she sees her clients regularly resist doing.

But she is back in her visualization regimen as of late, and is truly seeing the power of connecting energetically to her goals every day.

Prior episode references:


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