When Your Ex Does "The Work"
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Heartbreak Podcast - When Your Ex Does "The Work"
If you are a client of mine, a course student, or have listened to this podcast, you are doing “the work” of healing your heart and falling in love with you, and maybe you are even in the process of finding your person. This work is so powerful and can lead to amazing results and I wholeheartedly believe in it and what I do to help women create these results. So what if you find out that your ex has also been doing the work? And not only that, but now he’s with someone new. How are you supposed to handle these feelings that come up around him being this new upleveled version of himself that is with someone else? That’s exactly what we get into in this episode, and I share with you how you can reflect on your own healing and focus on continuing to heal your heart and your relationship with you, so that you can become the best version of you that finds her person.
If you want to sink your teeth deeper and have me look at your brain and your specific situation, you have the opportunity to apply to my group program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better. If you are looking for the results of healing your heart, falling in love with you, and healing your dating and love life, this program is for you. This is a high-vibe group of women that are really digging deep and showing up and doing the work so beautifully. If you join us, you are going to learn, heal, and grow next-level because you are watching women just like you move through and grow through things just like you. To learn more and apply, visit my website at https://clairetheheartbreakcoach.com/
Topics In This Episode
Is he really a better version of himself?
You can be doing the work and still be a hot mess
Learning how to handle and heal from the evitable pain we experience, in all areas of our lives
What will it take so that you stop entertaining the idea of him coming back?
Your ideal person may not be who you want it to be
Growth work isn’t always fun
Maybe you just weren’t compatible
PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!
Editing and show notes by Roth Media