Diagnosing Your Unavailability
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Heartbreak Podcast - Diagnosing Your Unavailability
“I just keep attracting unavailable men. This is just my pattern. This is what I do.” This is something I hear from my clients quite often and I coach them to be able to identify where they are being unavailable in their own lives to themselves and those around them. However, in today’s episode I want to take a bit of a different approach. What if, instead of thinking about the unavailable partners you attract and trying to diagnose where they’re coming from, you just said no and didn’t make it a problem? Holding on to this story that it’s just who you are, isn’t serving you. So let’s unpack it so that you can find your Mr. Right.
This is the exact type of thing I help my clients understand about themselves in my group coaching program, Stop Wanting Him Back and Find Someone Better. It’s a one year program that includes three calls a week. Plus, you have access to over 60 videos of how to achieve the three results of stopping wanting Mr. or Ms. Wrong back, falling in love with yourself on a deep level that you never would have if you hadn’t gone through this heartache, and you will find someone better. To learn more and apply, go to https://course.clairetheheartbreakcoach.com/
Topics In This Episode
What unavailability means in terms of having a partner
You attracting unavailable men isn’t a fact
The impact of daily thought work
Staying committed to this new version of yourself, even when someone who seems really great comes along
Identifying unavailability and saying no
Enjoying the results that you are creating
PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives!
Editing and show notes by Roth Media